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The Legality Of Call Center Monitoring


What are employees saying on the phone to customers who call in? The only way to know for sure of course is to use automated call center monitoring in some form or another. Of course the common questions that one are going to ask are going to have to do with the legality of taking such actions. Luckily, there are answers, and probably ones that many business owners will be happy to hear.

Employees Should Be Informed

Although there is no strict legal requirement to inform employees that the calls that they are on are being recorded, there is something to be said for those who do this. Employees may respond well to being recorded in that they may be more in line with the expectations that their employers have for them for what they are supposed to be doing on the phone.

Call Monitoring Is A Tool, Not A Weapon

An important thing to remember about call monitoring is that it is indeed meant to be used as a tool and not a weapon. Those who are not doing what they are supposed to be doing on the phone should be spoken to, but it is not about trying to catch someone in a gotcha moment.

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