How Speech Analytics Works

Learn more about how our automated quality monitoring solution works, and how it can benefit your business or contact center. Or schedule a demo to see CallFinder in action.

How CallFinder Works

Based on years of experience and extensive customer feedback, CallFinder has taken advantage of leading speech analytics technologies to deliver the only available solution that optimizes performance, functionality, and user experience without compromise. CallFinder processes 100% of your calls to systematically uncover trends, and transform unstructured, unleveraged data into actionable business insights.

Data Security & Redaction Capabilities

We Offer Several Data Security Procedures & Redaction Capabilities to Accommodate Your Business.

Data Security

We take the security and protection of your data seriously. CallFinder is SOC 2 compliant, meaning we have the appropriate controls in place to mitigate risks related to security, confidentiality, and privacy. We apply both application and user-level protections to prevent users from accessing confidential information. Please review our privacy policy for more information on security and privacy protocols.

HIPAA Compliance

CallFinder is currently serving customers who are required to be HIPAA-compliant, and we are ready to include the appropriate language in our Service Order Form to address HIPAA’s rules, including the Standards for Privacy of Individually Identifiable Health Information, as may be required by the customer. We are prepared to execute the appropriate Business Associate Agreement upon request.

User-Level Protection

CallFinder allows customers to control users’ access to playback and download of audio recordings. CallFinder also has the ability to restrict access to personally identifiable information in call metadata, preventing users from accessing confidential information to protect your customer’s data and your business.

Advanced Technology Behind The Leading Speech Analytics Solution

CallFinder converts recorded agent-customer interactions into structured data for instant categorization and analysis. CallFinder will automatically report on agent performance and customer experience to help you reduce customer churn and overall costs, improve agent performance, and provide the optimal customer experience. When you use CallFinder, you have access to automated scorecards, cloud-based, user-friendly analytics dashboards, advanced reporting, and managed client services with our experienced CallFinder Analysts.

Call Traffic & Routing

We can carry your call traffic and route your inbound calls to any phone number (toll-free or local). Our network will record 100% of the inbound call traffic to the phone lines you choose, index the recordings through our speech analytics solution, and automatically categorize the calls based on your search definitions.

Call Recording

When we carry your call traffic, we record and analyze your calls in real-time. The process is smooth, fast, and the services are more cost-effective, since it eliminates the need for a third-party call recording vendor. Recordings are available for review immediately following call completion.

Call Data Access

CallFinder’s powerful speech indexing platform can also process pre-recorded files, without requiring you to route your calls through our telecom platform. Simply send your call recordings and metadata to CallFinder for processing, and then access your call searches, agent-customer analytics, and call reporting through the CallFinder user interface.

More Resources

3 Objections to Implementing Call QA Software Smashed: Hear Our Clients’ Experiences

Speech Analytics for Credit Unions: How CallFinder Improves Member Experiences

CallFinder vs. CCaaS Speech Analytics

Why Clients Love Working With CallFinder

Learn More in a Demo

CallFinder can process virtually any call recording format, and our solution is designed to work with any existing tech stack. Fill out the form to learn more about how it works, including our data security and redaction capabilities.

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