Measure Sales Effectiveness & Boost Close Rates

Drive more sales with CallFinder’s sales call monitoring solution: Monitor agent calls for sales effectiveness, improve call scripts, and train agents to close more deals with our easy-to-use sales call center software.

Sales Call Monitoring With Speech Analytics

Today’s consumers are exerting more knowledge and control during the buying process. This means your agents must be prepared with the right tools and knowledge. Not only are your customers armed with research and facts before they purchase, but the CX you offer may determine their purchasing decisions. Get your free copy of our Sales Call Center Software Product Overview to learn more.

Monitor Agent Performance & Improve Sales Effectiveness

CallFinder’s sales call monitoring solution helps call center supervisors pinpoint why some sales agents are more successful than others to create realistic goals and improve sales effectiveness.

Automate Sales Forecasting

Use data-informed insights and scoring methodologies to predict customer churn, liklihood to buy, and sales conversion rates.

Improve Sales Conversions

With sales call center software tools, you can identify which sales techniques are the most successful and create scripts that get results.

Capture Buyer Intent Data

Understand how customers feel about your products and services at every stage of the buyer’s journey with sentiment analysis.

National Tubs Company Uses CallFinder To Improve Agent Training & CX

This walk-in tub company is a leading provider of American-made walk-in tubs and showers in the US and Canada. The company has 30 agent seats and receives over 30,000 inbound calls each month.

Kohler Increases Set Rates By 50% & Exceeds Sales Goals With 800response & CallFinder

Learn how Kohler accomplished these amazing results, and more, by working with CallFinder.

  • 50% increase in set rates
  • 30% increase in sales
  • 30-second response time to inbound calls

RoadVantage Improves Contact Center Performance With Speech Analytics From CallFinder

This case study demonstrates how RoadVantage used CallFinder to meet the following objectives.

  • Improved agent compliance on every call
  • Ensured consistency for claims processes
  • Identified customer pain points

Schedule A 15-Minute Demo Of CallFinder's Sales Call Monitoring Solution

CallFinder’s sales call center software and speech analytics technology provides businesses with valuable sales conversion data taken directly from customer interactions and placed in our cloud-based, user-friendly dashboard. Learn how CallFinder’s automated, sales call quality monitoring solution can help your agents improve interactions and close more deals. Schedule your 15-minute demo today!

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