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Improve Call Center Efficiency With Speech Analytics


With a phone call remaining the preferred way for most people to reach out to a business, many companies find themselves with a conundrum:  How to provide a top quality experience to all of their customers while maintaining a high level of efficiency.  It is possible to improve call center efficiency with speech analytics!

A company certainly doesn’t want its customers to feel like they are being rushed off of a call or that the call center agents aren’t really listening to them or fully addressing their issue. On the other hand, spending too long on just one call means long hold times for other customers – customers who may just get tired of waiting and take their business to a competitor. Not to mention the fact that the customer currently on the line probably doesn’t want to spend a ton of time on the phone, either. So how can a company give customers what they want in the most efficient way possible?

Record & Monitor Calls Automatically with Speech Analytics

Many companies record their calls in an attempt to glean a better understanding of their customers’ expectation. While this is a good first step, it is ultimately not very practical, particularly for companies with a high call volume. These companies tend to have neither the time nor resources to have someone manually listen to the entirety of each and every call in the hopes that they’ll catch fleeting yet important pieces of information.

Some companies attempt to listen to a sampling of calls, but even if this is ultimately futile. After all, if a company has over a thousand customers, how can they get accurate information if they listen to just a hundred phone conversations? That’s just 10% of their customers – not exactly a strong basis for making important decisions.

What companies need is a solution that takes both the drudgery and guesswork out of going through all their phone conversations. Cloud-based speech analytics rapidly scans thousands of calls to easily detect and extract specific words and phrases that have been chosen by the company. This allows patterns and trends to emerge which can help companies have a far greater understanding of their customers and what they want, which can then be converted into actionable business insights. And these insights are based on feedback from 100% of a company’s customer base. With speech analytics, companies can make better informed business decisions on how to most efficiently handle all types of calls, as well as give agents the tools they need to best handle customer complaints and questions. This will help them not only resolve calls quickly, but in a manner that is satisfying to everyone, particularly the customer.

Learn How Speech Analytics Will Make Your Contact Center More Efficient

Studies predict over 162 billion phone calls will be placed to businesses by 2019 from mobile phones alone[1]. Customers are already expecting agents to be able to help them beyond the limitations of an automated system or website. A speech analytics solution with agent monitoring capabilities and call scoring features enhances both the efficiency and effectiveness of any company and helps to always keep their customers happy.



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