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How to Solve Underperformance and Employee Churn

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Underperformance and Employee Churn Have a Common Denominator

It may not seem obvious that employee underperformance and employee churn have a lot in common. But the truth is that employees who understand how to perform well are happier, and therefore less likely to leave. The trick for most companies is finding ways to improve performance.

In order to do this, employers need to know how to coach and train employees, which includes providing honest, unbiased feedback, while recognizing good performance as often as possible. And the best way to do that in the call center is to use an automated call quality monitoring system. In this post, we’ll explain how automated quality monitoring (AQM) improves agent performance and reduces churn, on both sides of the call.

Measuring Performance With Scorecards

Customer interactions are the best place to start when understanding agent performance. An AQM solution with scorecards can help companies address customer service issues within their organizations, while simultaneously providing the data that is necessary to build better tools and training programs for their agents. If agent turnover is an issue in your company, you can start by looking at the broader picture with automated scorecards. Call scoring allows managers to compare agents and agent teams. It also provides a way to reward and recognize successful agents.

Scorecards are great for getting a baseline on agent performance. Start by asking the following questions:

  1. Was a need identified at the start of the call?
  2. Did the agent identify the right product/service to match the need?
  3. What objections arose, and how were those objections addressed?

While you can use any questions to create scorecards, there are a lot of ways to get started with a robust AQM solution. Sentiment analysis is another way to understand which agents need more training, and which agents you should reward. Also known as speech analytics, an automated quality monitoring system should include an efficient, user-friendly way to monitor performance.

Additional Benefits of Speech Analytics

The ideal speech analytics solution is designed to help managers understand performance as efficiently as possible so that managers can improve performance without wasting time or other resources. But there are many other speech analytics benefits to consider, starting with the customer experience.

Less Agent Churn = Less Customer Churn

How many times have you heard that customer service is often the main differentiator between two competing companies? You cannot meet your customers’ expectations without delivering top quality service. And to provide the best customer experience, you must have well-trained and knowledgeable agents.

Manually monitoring the actual point of contact between a customer and an agent during a phone conversation is challenging for many reasons. First, listening to every recorded call is extremely time consuming; secondly, picking a random selection of calls doesn’t provide enough data; lastly, without speech analytics technology, managers do not have access to insights they can use to improve key performance indicators (KPIs).

Here are other benefits of using speech analytics to monitor calls for quality and customer satisfaction:

  • Track positive or negative agent performance indicators
  • Ensure compliance during every agent-customer conversation
  • Identify agents or areas of process that need monitoring and further training
  • Identify process issues and knowledge gaps in various business units
  • Empower and engage agents with knowledge and training to increase success

Optimize Onboarding Time to Increase Productivity

An automated quality monitoring solution can also reduce your onboarding time for new agents. You can get granular or look at the big picture so that you can easily pinpoint agent knowledge gaps. Giving your agents the tools they need to succeed from the start will reduce onboarding time, and provide other benefits. For instance, increased agent knowledge and productivity will improve your customer service reputation, generate more sales, and decrease overall costs.

Solve Underperformance and Employee Churn with CallFinder

According to The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), the cost of replacing an employee equals six to nine months of the annual salary for the position. Therefore, reducing the employee churn rate saves on hiring costs, which will increase profit margins. And as mentioned, reducing employee churn starts with keeping your team happy.

Let CallFinder help you keep your agents (and your customers) happy! Learn how CallFinder helps businesses of all sizes reduce churn, lower costs, and maintain a healthy bottom line. Schedule a demo today!

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