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Quality Assurance: Leaving Nothing To Chance


Every customer matters in the operation of a business. This is a fact as obvious to most businesses as any other fact imaginable. There is even evidence to back up this belief. The blog at states a fact from the White House Office Of Consumer Affairs that says this,

  • It is 6-7 times more costly to attract a new customer than it is to retain an existing customer.

With that sobering fact in mind, it is a good idea to practice quality assurance.

Checking The Phones

Customers call in to ask questions and have concerns addressed all the time. Have you ever wondered what is being said back to them? You should be highly concerned with this issue. There should be policies in place that instruct your employees about what to say to customers in a variety of situations. It is also important to make sure that these interactions are monitored. The way to monitor said interactions is to do some call monitoring.

Track The Facts

Employees can tell you about what they are saying all day long. Until you are able to identify if they are telling the truth though, there is no way for you to know for sure. This means that it is up to you to view the data of the calls that they are taking. Listen to the tone of the voice of your employee and also check to see what kind of wording they are using with customers. Does it seem that the customer had his or her question answered? Were they treated fairly throughout? These are the questions you have to ask and get answers to, and all monitoring is the way to make that happen.

Contact us with any questions you have related to call monitoring.

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