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Listening To The Voice Of Customer For Demographic Purposes


Does it make sense to listen to the voice of the customers you are dealing with? Of course it does. The voice of customer comments can actually potentially tell you something about their demographics. We know for example what an older or younger voice sounds like most of the time. It doesn’t stop there either!

Where Is The Caller Calling From?

You can know for a fact where the caller is making their phone call from with call tracking. This is important because where someone lives also tells something about the kind of person that they are. You should start by taking a look at the area from which a call is being placed.

What Does The Caller Sound Like?

Most of the time, the voice of the caller will immediately allow the listener to know the sex of the individual. This too is important as marketing approaches should be different for male and female customers. This information should be logged immediately. Within seconds you can know the location and sex of the caller. Listening to the particular voice more carefully is where some of the finer details can potentially be determined.

Think About Word Usage

The types of words that one uses in a phone can be another big factor in determining who the person is in general. Yes, the word usage that one selects is often a reflection of who they are as a person. You should listen to the types of words that they use as well as the subjects that they bring up in order to try to find out even more about them.

All of these things can tell a lot about the people you are talking with on the phone.

Contact us if you would like to know more about the voice of the customer and what it can mean for you.

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