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Preparing for 2014 with Speech Analytics


2014 is quickly approaching, and now is the time when businesses are putting together strategic and tactical plans for the new year, making benchmarks, developing new training programs for employees, and looking for ways to update technology systems to improve operations.

What are you planning for your contact center? Will you be implementing a new call recording platform? If so, consider working with a company that also provides automated speech analytics technology that will mine your conversations with customers for specific keywords and phrases that you identify as important to your business.

We came across some useful statistics to keep in mind, and which may spark the drive to make improvements to your overall contact center operations, which ultimately affects your business performance.

  • Consumers still prefer telephone assistance the most – Phone (61%), email (60%), Live Chat (57%), online knowledge base (51%), “click-to-call” support automation (34%). (eConsultancy)
    • This is why it’s so important to have a solution that monitors call recordings automatically; your business receives a lot of calls if customers in fact prefer having a live conversation with your agents!

    42% of service agents are unable to efficiently resolve customer issues due to disconnected systems, archaic user interfaces, and multiple applications. (Forrester)

    • A good reason to update technology platforms and consider working with outside vendors for call recording systems
  • 89% of consumers have stopped doing business with a company after experiencing poor customer service. (RightNow Customer Experience Impact Report)
    • Make sure you have a call quality monitoring solution in place, like cloud-based speech analytics (flexible and scalable!) to capture instances of poor customer service and course-correct!
  • 46% of contact centers identify improving agent productivity and utilization as a main objective. (Aberdeen Group)
    • Speech analytics will help you identify specific challenges that agents face, and provide the knowledge necessary to develop better training programs to address productivity issues.

After reading these stats (and there are more out there to find) it becomes clear that phone training skills, workplace training programs, and exceptional customer service is imperative to deliver a positive customer experience, keeps existing customers coming back, impressing new customers, and growing your business.

If you’re not familiar with speech analytics technology, take a few minutes to connect with one of our experienced CallFinder Specialists. They’ll give you a free demo of our cloud-based speech analytics solution, and help you identify your company’s objectives to start creating audio mining programs.

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