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Perform Regular Customer Call Analysis to Improve Operation Efficiency


Analyzing customer calls is becoming standard business practice among companies of all sizes and industries.   Why?   Because as business owners and managers, we are coming around and realizing that the conversations we have every day with our customers hold much more valuable information than we first understood.

With in-depth data extracted from daily conversations with those folks that are buying your products and services, you have direct insight into their satisfaction levels, if they’ve worked with and bought from your competitors in the past, and if they are candidates for an up-sell.   This all means that using a call recording and speech analytics technology to mine your customer call you have enormous opportunity to leverage that information and improve operations within many different areas of your business; customer service, sales, marketing, operations, and compliance.

Here are just three main benefits that you’ll reap once you start recording and analyzing your customer calls:

1. Improve Efficiency: Recording your calls can help you know what your reps are doing well, and where in the process they’re falling short. Use the intelligence you gain from customer conversations to create benchmarks for improvements and assess the need for changes in the ways your reps handle calls. The knowledge you glean from call analysis and the changes you make can help you keep and upsell customers as well as mitigate the effects of problematic situations and customers.

2. Train Smarter: Finding effective methods to train your employees in an effective and engaging way is always a challenge. You can help make your employees more productive and better revenue-generators by leveraging the benefits of analyzing their conversations and incorporate key intelligence into future employee training programs. Develop excellent training programs by using practical examples of how calls have been handled, and where they can be improved.   And, make sure you highlight the outstanding calls and use those as best case scenarios!

3. Effective Review: Listening to, and performing call analysis on your customer calls on a regular basis will help you identify ways to improve how your reps handle customers and situations effectively. Especially in the case of escalated or problematic calls, you can go over the recording point by point and do an in-depth analysis into the good and bad of the call. A deep call analysis will help create a more significant level of understanding between your business, your agents, and your customers. Use the call data to implement process change if needed. Slight adjustments to operations and strategies can greatly improve your sales, upsells, revenues, and customer satisfaction levels.

Call recording and analysis programs have long been used in large, enterprise sized businesses for many years, but as it becomes more and more important to gain an edge in the market – whatever your industry – these technologies are becoming more affordable and available for small to medium sized businesses.   The technology is easy to integrate with your existing telecom system and operations plans.

Learn more about cloud-based call recording and call analysis technology from CallFinder by contacting us or calling 1-800-639-1700.

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