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Call Analysis for Tone of Voice: Analyze the Customer and the Agent


Call analysis has become a popular method for businesses in determining how customer service over the phone is conducted and how it can improve. Here at CallFinder, we’ve invented a call recording and speech analytics software that manages to thoroughly analyze those conversations for the best in critical business intelligence. But what’s the most important aspect to analyzing those calls? Is tone of voice more important than some businesses realize?

Training the Employee Voice

Most call center employees are going to have to memorize a script that they’ll recite when calling prospective customers. And having a flat, lifeless voice isn’t going to help, no matter what the words in the script are. That’s why analyzing a phone call can show you exactly what kind of tones of voice an employee should use. In some cases, using psychological methods can help the employee tap into a different frame of mind that changes their vocal cadence.

Placing the Employee in the Role of the Customer

An employee placing themselves into a role reversal of the customer can sometimes be enough to change a vocal tone. Nobody wants a customer service rep on the phone who sounds disinterested or overly bored. Appreciating the art of superior customer service can inspire an employee to perk up and sound more interested in the customer.

Avoiding Improvising

There has to be contingency plans for when a customer on the phone says something unexpected. In some cases, that might mean an angry tone from the customer that comes out of frustration over a matter. While practice beforehand can set up possible vocal tones for dealing with those situations, a call analysis can gauge even more valuable insight. The important thing is that an employee shouldn’t wing it on the phone or vocal tone could change from what was initially set. When that happens, customer service can go awry.

Setting Sincere Vocal Patterns

More than anything, maintaining a sincere vocal tone will do wonders in how employees deal with customers on the phone. Customers can easily scope out whether an employee is sincere or not through a voice, so setting that frame of mind every day should be a main objective. Call analysis monitors this so more practice sessions on script reads can be done to make sure employees truly believe the words.  

Don’t Make Everyone Sound Alike

A personal vocal style will provide a more natural flow to conversations between the employee and customer. Customers will appreciate this as well and make the phone calls much more natural, which is what you’ll want to hear in your call analysis. Letting employees practice the scripts in a way that sounds like everyday conversation won’t lead to frustrations in training them to have the same intonations.  

Contact us so we can set you up with a free demo of our CallFinder cloud-based solutions to see for yourself how comprehensive our analysis tools are. You’ll discover more about the importance of voice tonality from the employee and customers sides than you ever did before.

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