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Why You Need to Use Speech Analytics Today


Like a carpenter or mechanic, you know the more tools your contact center has at its disposal, the more effective your contact center will be when it comes to customer interactions.  And if you have added call mining software such as speech analytics to your repertoire, you have already taken a vital step in providing your customers with the absolute best experience.

But it’s not enough to simply have speech analytics.  As with any tool, speech analytics is completely useless unless it is actually implemented in your contact center.  Sure, you may already have call recording, and that’s fine.  But it’s also standard.  Basic.  Pretty much everyone has call recording nowadays, so how does your call recording system separate you from the competition?  Answer: It probably doesn’t.  But when you use speech analytics, you see a marked advantage in the following fields:

Using Speech Analytics to Monitor Quality Assurance

Listening to only a handful of calls with call recording does not provide an accurate assessment of the customers’ needs, and trying to listen to all calls is time consuming and frustrating.  Speech analytics with an audio mining component allows you to quickly and accurately scan thousands of calls, providing you with far clearer insights into the voice of the customer.

Script Compliance and Risk Management

Your business may be operating in a highly regulated industry, making script compliance an absolute must for your contact center agents.  In order to ensure they are following said script, you can utilize speech analytics to guarantee all state, federal, and company regulations are being heeded and adhered to, while overseeing agent-customer interactions.

Gain Business Intelligence with Speech Analytics

Every single conversation that occurs in your contact center has a wealth of invaluable customer information in it.  As a marketing research tool, speech analytics enables calls to be mined for important keywords and phrases to better understand customers’ wants and needs, anticipate and prevent future problems, harness opportunities, and protect brand identity.

Better Workforce Training

Speech analytics is a fantastic way to keep track of your agents’ performance and help them reach their goals.   You and your agents can listen to the conversations they have with the customers, easily identifying where agents are demonstrating strong skills, where they have improved, and where they might still need some work.

Dispute Resolution

Your agents do their best to appease customers when they call in, but even the best agent can have a phone conversation go awry, and a dispute may have to be handled.  Using speech analytics can not only help resolve any conflicts, but can also help you, your agent, and your business avoid unnecessary litigation.

Measure Sales and Marketing Effectiveness

Speech analytics isn’t just for the contact center, evaluating conversation results and agent performance.  It can also be used by other departments to track marketing campaign performance, promotions, and key messages, all of which can vastly improve future marketing efforts.

Speech analytics isn’t something to have in your back pocket “just in case.”  It is the best way to extract important business intelligence and provide an exceptional customer experience.

Speech analytics isn’t a tool; it’s THE tool.

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