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The Voice of Customers is Key to Improve Customer-Company Interaction


Every day, important clues about your customers’ needs pour into the call center–but are you getting the message? The voice of customer calls can alert you to weaknesses within your customer service pool, problems with a product or an overall concern about a service you may have overlooked. However, spending hours mining through recorded calls or monitoring live call interaction is a limited way to obtain these clues and reap the benefits.

New software technology, like CallFinder, allows you to monitor keywords and analyze calls with just a few clicks of the mouse. Employee performance reviews are a cinch with speech analytics. You can easier help new employees strengthen their skills and weed out problematic situations faster with customized software. Get notices about increasing interest in potential products or services. All of these “inside” scoops have the potential to increase your revenue potential.

Another important benefit of call recording and speech analytics is the protection it offers your company. If a dissatisfied customer wants to escalate a complaint, you will have all the information you need quickly to take action. Get the facts about a dispute without spending hours listening to old-fashioned voice mail systems. On the employee side, when customer service representatives know their call activity is regularly monitored, this drives employee activity in a positive way. Good call monitoring and recording insures your customers are getting the best service possible.

Talk to a CallFinder representative today about how we can help you get the most from this crucial data. Contact us today to schedule a free trial of CallFinder!

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