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Cloud-Based Speech Analytics Doesn't Affect Phone Systems


While researching call recording and speech analytics solutions, a few common questions that often arise are, “How does it affect my current phone system?” and “Do I need to purchase a new phone system that is supported?” Luckily, when deploying a cloud-based speech analytics solution, no changes are necessary to an existing telephony.

When a speech analytics solution is cloud-based, it means that there is absolutely no integration with an existing phone system, internal systems, servers, etc. Calls are routed seamlessly through a telecom switch to the business and no modifications to an existing telephone system are necessary. All call data is captured virtually including the date, time, caller name, address, demographic information, and more. The “calling party” is advised that the call may be recorded for quality assurance purposes.

Because no hardware or software needs to be installed, cloud-based speech analytics is an affordable solution that allows businesses to easily record and analyze customer conversations and extract key business insights. Specific, customized, and spoken phrases can be found within call recordings in real time. Calls are identified and categorized based on specific stated objectives. Implementation and support costs are dramatically lower than the costs associated with hardware-based analytics products.

A cloud-based speech analytics solution can record 100% of the call traffic coming to the chosen phone line. Calls can be routed from any toll-free line or local phone line. There is no limit on the type of phone line that can be integrated. As the call is recorded, the cloud-based speech analytics solution indexes the files and automatically categorizes calls based on search definitions. Recordings can be reviewed immediately following call completion.

Cloud-based speech analytics solutions, in addition to being affordable, are also user-friendly. A simple dashboard provides easy-access to call data and can be customized to meet company objectives.

If you are worried about phone system compatibility as you contemplate using a cloud-based speech analytics solution- don’t be! The technology is phone system agnostic. There is no need to purchase new hardware and no software installation is required. Cloud-based phonetic-indexing technology can quickly and easily be implemented and begin mining recorded calls for keywords and phrases immediately.

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