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Simple Ways to Meet Your Customer’s Expectations

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Today’s consumers hold the power when it comes to a business’s success, and they know it. That’s why it is so important to ensure customers receive a consistently excellent experience each time they interact with a business. Recent studies show that 77% of consumers say the experience they receive is just as important as the product, and 65% have higher expectations for their experience now than in the past.

The majority of people demand speed, convenience, friendliness, and knowledge when it comes to the service they receive. And with so many communication paths to reach a business now, fast, efficient customer service is essential. That’s why so many businesses are recognizing the need to invest more in their contact centers, especially regarding technology. With the right technology in place, businesses can address and improve the customer experience in the following ways.

Give Customer Service a Human Touch

Despite the numerous automated ways consumers have to communicate with a company, 82% actually desire more human interaction. In fact, just 3% wish the entire process would be automated.

That’s why a phone call remains the preferred way for customers to reach out to a business. But consumers also expect agents to have the knowledge and skills needed to help them with their issues, no matter how complex. A call monitoring solution, such as speech analytics can help provide agents with the tools they need to successfully handle any question or problem. Empowering agents with the tools to improve the service they provide gives customers a better experience.

Learn What the Customer Really Wants

48% of today’s consumers expect businesses to regularly offer new products and services, so it’s vital for companies to make sure they give their customers what they desire. However, many businesses rely on general marketing trends to make their decisions, essentially telling their customers what they should want, instead of listening to what their customers actually want.

And even tactics like surveys only reflect a small portion of consumers. Fortunately, utilizing a speech analytics solution can help businesses capture the true Voice of the Customer by detecting patterns and trends in phone conversations to reveal insights into their customers’ expectations. Because this information is coming directly from customers, businesses can be confident that decisions and tactics based on this data will only improve the customer experience.

With 86% of consumers saying they would pay more for a better experience, businesses need to invest both time and money to ensure they provide it. Using technology to acquire data to help make informed strategic business decisions can help any company guarantee their customers are always happy.

New! Webinar on Improving the Customer Experience

Want to see first-hand how our customers are using speech analytics to improve the customer experience? Watch our webinar, “Using Analytics to Build Relationships,” and start building lasting relationships with your customers. Click here to watch the recording!

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