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CallFinder Shows ICUCCC How to Get Your QA Out of The 90’s with Automated Call Reviews


Throwing It Way Back…

The International Credit Union Contact Center Conference (ICUCCC) recently took place in Las Vegas with a nostalgic twist, as the theme for this year’s event was “Throwing it Back to the 90’s.” Among the 150+ attendees, CallFinder’s Laura Noonan and Chip Hoffman stood out with their loud 90’s garb as they led an interactive presentation titled, “What’s at Risk With Manual Call Reviews.”

In this post, we’ll “throw it back” and show you how CallFinder’s presenters shed light on the three significant risks associated with outdated call review practices.

About The Presentation

Laura Noonan and Chip Hoffman’s presentation took the audience on a journey into the world of call reviews, offering a glimpse into a real-world example of what it’s like to manually review calls one at a time vs. software that automatically reviews 100% of calls in a fraction of the time.

While sharing details about the risks involved with manual call QA, Laura and Chip encouraged the audience to embrace automation and leave manual methods behind. Here’s a summary of the risks they discussed:

Risk 1: Wasted Time, Money, & Resources

Manual call reviews consume significant amounts of time, money, and internal resources. With the advent of automation, these valuable assets can be redirected toward more productive tasks, such as agent coaching and member engagement. This is one benefit of automated call reviews that credit unions value a lot, as evidenced in this quote from Nicole Crawford:

The time savings alone is astronomical. Our team used to spend 1-2 weeks per month manually reviewing calls. I would never go back to a manual QA process.

Nicole Crawford, Centris Federal Credit Union

Risk 2: Missing Revenue Opportunities & Poor ROI

In addition to wasted time and resources, manually reviewing calls does not encourage the discovery of new revenue opportunities because it is difficult to find calls to review that focus on referrals. With access to 100 percent of calls, credit union call center managers can leverage referral insights from a high enough quantity of calls to make data-driven decisions and boost revenue.

Additionally, manual QA does not improve return on investment (ROI) because it is impossible to make decisions to improve contact center operations without data. However, with CallFinder’s automated solution, credit unions can see swift and profitable returns.

CallFinder helps us verify logged referrals. Now, we can go through and sort referrals by agents within the platform. It’s almost instantaneous compared to the way we were doing it before. We had a recent coaching opportunity to encourage pausing after the referral was mentioned to ensure that the sale was made.

Henry Antonov, 4Front Federal Credit union

Risk 3: Losing Valuable Members

Perhaps the scariest risk for credit unions is the potential of losing valuable members. Manual call reviews lack the depth required to coach agents effectively and enhance the member experience. By not utilizing advanced analytics and automated reviews, credit unions risk losing their most valuable asset—loyal members.

Our member experience score has gone from 4.3 to a 4.7 in just a few months because we can focus on soft skills. We now spend more time coaching rather than slogging through a pile of calls.

Cheryl Beams, Verve, a Credit Union

Final Thoughts

Dr. Brandi Stankovic, an organizational change expert and motivational speaker, echoed the sentiments of many in the audience when she expressed her disbelief at the continued use of manual call reviews. The need for a shift towards automation and modernization in the industry is clear, and CallFinder’s presentation highlighted that imperative.

In conclusion, CallFinder’s presentation at ICUCCC served as a wake-up call for credit unions and contact centers. It emphasized the importance of leaving manual call reviews in the past and embracing the future of automated solution.

Make the Switch Today!

Just like CallFinder’s credit union clients, you too can benefit from making the switch to automated call reviews. The best part? Implementation with CallFinder is easy and it is not a project! There is no reason to defer implementation. Let CallFinder help you streamline your operations and enhance member experience.

If you’re curious about CallFinder’s solution and how it can transform your credit union, schedule a demo today. Discover how to save time, money, and resources, while uncovering revenue opportunities and reducing member churn. It’s time to bring your contact center into the 21st century and stay ahead of the competition.

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