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Call Script Compliance: Talking the Way to Increased Efficiency


Many centers do not require agents to follow scripts for fear of having agents sound robotic or they feel that they simply do not need them. Scripting will increase efficiency by standardizing information given by agents and will allow agents to feel more confident (and therefore less robotic) about the information they give. This will eliminate the need for call backs and erase other time wasting operations inherent to inconsistent communication. Scripting communication in the following key areas will greatly improve a center’s efficiency.

Payment Information

The most important element of communication that needs to be standardized is when payment information is discussed. It is obvious to see why this would be a hot button issue. By scripting payment information and making sure it is consistent, a center will increase efficiency by decreasing angry callers, call backs and supervisor calls. It will also allow agents to feel more confident when giving this sensitive information to customers and increase customer satisfaction.

Caller Action

Whenever a customer needs to take any action, this information needs to be consistent and scripted.  Having one agent tell a customer to do one thing and another agent to do something else will obviously cause customer frustration.  Standardizing this information is an easy way to increase efficiency by making sure the customer is doing the right thing. Additionally, this will make other departments work easier and more efficient as correct actions are being taken by customers.

Time Frames

Scripts are essential when providing customers with time frames. Call backs are almost guaranteed when company action does not take place within the time frame given by an agent. The best way to eliminate this is by developing an accurate time frame script on the front end. Time frames need to be given with a wiggle room (i.e. 7-10 days), but also need to be as accurate as possible. Allow enough time for systems to process and other departments to do the job they need to do. If agents provide accurate time frames, customer satisfaction will increase and therefore increase the efficiency of the center.

Call script compliance is one of the easiest ways to increase the efficiency of a call center. By providing accurate and consistent information, agents will have more time to deal with more critical issues. Decreasing or eliminating the need for call back or supervisor calls will allow for a less stressed environment and increase center productivity.  CallFinder is always available to assist if you need to know more about call script compliance. If you need assistance please contact us.

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