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Benefits of Implementing Speech Analytics


Many businesses have taken the first step in improving their contact center and customer relations by acquiring speech analytics software. But a number of these same businesses may view the task of making speech analytics fully operational in their contact center to be something they simply do not have the time for, or to be too overwhelming to even know where to start. As a result, they adapt an attitude of “One Day” when it comes to fully utilizing speech analytics. This hesitant attitude means they are unable to reap all the amazing benefits speech analytics can yield.  Benefits such as:

Speech Analytics Will Promptly Retrieve Necessary Data

When it comes to factors such as monitoring script compliance or agent performance, companies who still use standard call monitoring alone find themselves having to listen to hours and hours of phone calls to attempt to detect the information they seek. This process is not only incredibly time consuming, but also inefficient as there is no guarantee the person listening to the recordings will always catch the words or phrases they are listening for.

But with speech analytics software, this arduous enterprise can be greatly alleviated. Once properly set up, speech analytics can scan thousands of phone calls for specific words or phrases in mere minutes. Having such immediate access to this vital information means businesses are able to make informed strategic business decisions both faster and based on more accurate data than on call monitoring, alone.

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Immediate Action Can Be Taken

Another downside to still relying solely on call monitoring is by the time the required intelligence is obtained, it may come too late to effectively do anything about it. Information gleaned from calls that occurred days, weeks, or even months ago may have been useful at the time the call took place, but has since then become obsolete. Pretty much the only thing it can be used for is potential training purposes.

Speech analytics delivers the coveted information immediately, which means critical business insights can be achieved and implemented much faster. Whether it’s correcting an agent’s actions so they can provide a better experience for their customers, or make adjustments to current marketing strategies to ensure better ROI’s, companies who use speech analytics have the ability to take swift and effective actions.

Setting up speech analytics software with the correct search criteria can take some time, but the advantages far exceed the effort. Stop viewing speech analytics as something that can be used “one day”, and start realizing it is something that needs to be used TODAY.

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