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How to Achieve Contact Center Goals with Speech Analytics


With the start of a new year, businesses are looking to see where they can make improvements to achieve contact center goals, and improve agent performance and customer experiences. Customer Contact Week recently released its Winter Executive Report, in which it conducted a survey of a wide array of organizations to see what their priorities will be for their contact centers in 2018.  And while there was no clear leader when it came to precedence, one of the top concerns most businesses had was improving the customer experience.

According to the CCW Report:

  • 39% of businesses say they will focus on prioritizing effort reduction for their customers
  • 34% will enhance their voice of the customer strategy.
  • 33% will improve their customer journey mapping.

The best way to achieve your contact center goals is with speech analytics and call scorecard technology, and leveraging the data companies have acquired on their customers.  However, the sheer amount of data means it is far too arduous a process to be done manually.  That’s why smart businesses are turning towards better call monitoring solutions like speech analytics to make things easier for them and, more importantly, for their customers.

Deliver a More Personalized Experience

Today’s customers expect a deeper, more personal experience with brands.  This does not mean contact center agents should constantly be having in-depth conversations with customers; neither the customers nor the agents have time for that.  What it does mean is that businesses should focus more on “productive personalization” – utilizing customer data to make their experience more engaging.  Using speech analytics in the contact center can help access this data by scanning all agent-customer conversations to detect trends and patterns which reveal how these interactions are enhancing the customer experience, or how they may be creating a stumbling block.  Businesses can then use this information to ensure agents are connecting with customers in a way that makes customers feel like they are truly being heard and understood.  As a result, customers will feel a deeper connection with the business and its brand.

Improve Each Step of the Customer Journey

A good business knows each interaction a customer has with a company is a part of their journey, and it’s crucial to have an in-depth knowledge of each step of that journey. Every single aspect of a business affects and is affected by the customer experience, from product development to marketing to sales. This is why it’s so important for the data obtained with speech analytics be shared across departments in order to ensure customers always have an exceptional experience, no matter where they are on their journey. 

New items can be developed, marketing strategies can be improved, and sales tactics can be strengthened – all based on what customers really want. By using speech analytics to truly hear and address the voice of the customer, businesses can make informed strategic business decisions to enhance the customer experience and maintain brand loyalty.

Businesses are taking a good, long look at their current customer experience metrics. While there is no one-size-fits-all approach, it’s clear that knowing just what their customers want is a vital aspect. After all, in order to improve the experience, one must first understand the customer. And to truly understand the customer, one must have speech analytics.

Benefits of Speech Analytics

The benefits of running call recordings through an audio mining solution, like CallFinder speech analytics, are endless. Businesses of all sizes and throughout all industries, including call centers and contact centers, can access and extract critical business insights contained in the conversations taking place between employees, agents, and their customers. By automatically monitoring recorded conversations with customers, business gain access to reporting metrics like:

  • Agent productivity and performance.
  • Average call handling times.
  • Call abandon rates, when a customer hangs up before the issue is resolved.
  • Call conversion rates / Call transfer rates / Call wait times.
  • Cost per call.
  • First call resolution rates.
  • Script compliance by agent.
  • Up-sell and Cross-sell rates.

Discover The Power Of CallFinder’s Cloud-Based Speech Analytics

Start capturing valuable business insights contained in the unstructured voice data of your phone conversations with customers. Contact us to schedule a free online demo to discuss your unique business challenges, learn more about CallFinder’s solutions, and how speech analytics can help you automate and improve the performance of your agents and the quality monitoring process to improve the customer experience and move the revenue needle.

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