Voice Analytics

Getting to know the Voice of Customer (VoC) is key to improving CX. Learn how your customers feel about your company, your customer service, and the products or services you offer with CallFinder’s voice analytics solutions.

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Voice Analytics Solution: Gain CX Insights With CallFinder

When your customers communicate with you, they’re sharing valuable information you can use to improve CX and your sales. To capture and capitalize on this information, you need a reliable voice analytics software solution with features that amplify the voice of the customer. That’s exactly what CallFinder specializes in. With our robust voice analytics solution, you will gain powerful CX insights to help you improve your service, and your bottom line.

CallFinder Case Studies

Kohler Increases Set Rates By 50% & Exceeds Sales Goals With 800response & CallFinder

Learn how Kohler accomplished these amazing results, and more, by working with CallFinder.

  • 50% increase in set rates
  • 30% increase in sales
  • 30-second response time to inbound calls

RoadVantage Improves Contact Center Performance With Speech Analytics From CallFinder

This case study demonstrates how RoadVantage used CallFinder to meet the following objectives.

  • Improved agent compliance on every call
  • Ensured consistency for claims processes
  • Identified customer pain points

Voice Of Customer, Explained

Voice of Customer, or VoC, is exactly what it sounds like. It’s the literal voice of your clients and prospects. By analyzing and listening to VoC, you can get to know your customers intimately. You’ll get feedback about the customer experience you’re providing and you’ll learn how your customers feel about your company, your customer service and the products or services you sell.

Voice Analytics Tools & Features For All Organizations

CallFinder’s voice analytics solution helps businesses and call centers improve CX with user-friendly features designed to provide insights that offer quick wins and help reach long-term goals. You don’t need to have a call center to benefit from voice analytics software. This technology will benefit any business that interacts with customers.

Automated Scoring

CallFinder’s automated agent scorecards offer an unbiased approach to performance improvements across the board. Quickly compare agents and agent teams to get a better handle on your agent coaching needs.

Sentiment Analysis

Monitor the customer experience with sentiment analysis & emotion detection. Learn more about how our customer sentiment insights help companies understand how customers feel about their brand or products.

Managed Solution

CallFinder’s unique MSaaS solution with an experienced team of Speech Analysts is one of the many reasons clients choose us over the competition. Learn why working with us is the right choice for any organization.

Schedule A Demo Of CallFinder's Voice Analytics Solution

Learn how CallFinder’s AI-fueled voice and call quality monitoring solution offers 100% visibility into every customer interaction with advanced voice analytics technology. Schedule 15 minutes to let us show you how to drive CX success with CallFinder’s automated solutions.

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