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Customer Service Statistics You Need to Know


To succeed today, companies must focus on providing a positive customer experience. While many factors contribute to the overall customer experience, customer service is one of the top contributors. A negative customer service experience can affect a company’s reputation and the bottom line. On the other hand, a positive customer service experience can increase brand loyalty and revenue. While you may think your customers love you, these customer service statistics may shock you.

How Do Your Customers See You?

Here are some eye-opening customer service statistics that companies need to consider as they develop their CX (customer experience) initiatives:

• 76% of consumers say they view customer service as the true test of how much a company values them.
• An estimated $41 billion is lost by U.S. companies alone each year due to poor customer service.
• 77% of US online adults say that valuing their time is the most important thing a company can do.
• 45% of customers can’t remember having a recent successful customer experience.
• 97% of global consumers say that customer service is very important in their choice of and loyalty to a brand.
• 62% of global consumers have stopped doing business with a brand or organization due to a poor customer service experience.
• 60% of consumers have higher expectations for customer service now than they did just one year ago.

While the majority of customer service interactions occur through a contact center, nearly 80% of contact centers say their current systems are not sustainable. To enhance the customer experience (and overall brand perception and bottom line), companies are investing in modern contact center technology. This technology provides the necessary tools to help agents perform their jobs more effectively

Is Outdated Technology Holding You Back?

While call recording software is standard in a call center environment, it has become antiquated. Because of the manual process of listening to calls, managers get a very small sampling of calls to work with. This outdated process does not provide an accurate picture of agent performance and customer satisfaction. However, speech analytics software automates this process.

Using speech analytics, companies can search for and score agents on whether they used pre-determined phrases across every phone call. This provides a more accurate picture than a sample of calls. Speech analytics solutions transform the wealth of valuable data within every phone call into actionable insights proven to improve customer service initiatives. Because the software scans calls systematically, managers can easily pick out trends and take action to improve QA processes and overall agent performance.

Ready to Learn More?

A positive customer service experience influences the customer experience as a whole. Period. But if these customer service statistics don’t convince you, take it from our clients: Investing in modern customer service technology is critical to your success, especially in a competitive market. Even if it’s a large investment upfront, you will see a positive return on investment over time. Learn more in a quick demo.

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